Hello Mohave County PC’s,
The creation of Mohave’s new American Floating Stage has been a dream come true and we simply could not have achieved this dream without the huge amount of help from our amazing MCRCC volunteers and District III PC’s.

The Mohave County GOP unveiled the newly created American Floating Stage at the London Bridge Days Parade this last weekend. Complete with 40 American flags, patriotic music and over 70 Republicans from all 3 districts walking down McCulloch Boulevard and enjoying the patriotic excitement. District III Director Betsy Painton collaborated and successfully gathered the troops for the maiden voyage.

Thanks to an amazing crew of engineers, designers, talented welders, donations, imagination and 10-DayDoors in Lake Havasu City, we pulled off the impossible…oh at least what I thought was going to be the impossible. I could not be more proud of the Mohave County Republican Central Committee’s fortitude, determination and success. Freedom is not FREE! Now our message will be spread far and wide.
There are still some finishing touches to our creation, but when completed, Mohave’s new floating stage will be towable to any and all excitement in Mohave County.
The fantastic volunteers that helped make this dream a reality are numerous, and for fear of not acknowledging someone I will refrain from a list, you know who you are and you are amazing! Thank you very much for all you have accomplished and your drive to make this float a huge success for the Mohave County Republican Party, you should all feel proud of your success and being part of Mohave County GOP history. My gratitude is overflowing for all of you. Without Butch Meeks lead, the donations might not have arrived, his persistence to never give up allowed for this year’s project to be a big win, ready for election year 2024. A special call-out to Ryan Busnardo from 10-Day Doors for donating his heavy duty trailer that was cut up and repurposed, for his amazing staff and their time and love of the project. We appreciate 10-Day doors for allowing for the space in their facility for donating their time, materials, their van for transport and tons of goodies in making this dream a reality.

We plan on some very exciting times ahead all over our County with our newly built “America’s Floating Stage”. It should be 100% complete and available for the rest of the districts some time in December. Each district will have an events coordinator to reserve use. This stage/float can be used for parades as well as a stage at events, it is a huge crowd pleaser. All the districts need to provide is the truck to pull it.

This successful collaboration is a great example of how 2024 will definitely be a winning year for Mohave….remember, all we need is 10,000 more votes in Mohave to win the state and beat the cheat….. we got this !!
Stay tuned for more exciting developments with the Mohave County GOP.
By Jeanne Kentch
Mohave County Republican Central Committee
Kari Lake Launches Bid for US Senate

Kari Lake has officially launched her campaign for US Senate. On October 12th, she help an event in Scottsdale and posted this message on X.com “Our story isn’t finished. Not by a long shot. We still have a state to save. I’m running for the United States Senate because our children deserve the same opportunities we got growing up. Together, we’re going to give them just that.” If you wan to learn more, check out her campaign website below.
Abe Hamadeh Launches Bid for US Representative
Abe Hamadeh throws his hat into the ring for 8th Congressional District. Abe had this to say “As a prosecutor, I’ve defended the rule of law and put criminals away. As an Army Reserve Captain & Intelligence Officer who served overseas, I’ve sworn an oath to protect the America that we love. I’m not done fighting for our country— I’m just getting started.” If you want to learn more about Abe’s campaign and how to help, check out his website below.

Win This Trump Lithograph

District Office News
District 1

We had 4 new PC’s
16 new voter registrations.
Movie Night is coming on November 17th and will be “Police State”, The new documentary from Dinesh D’Souza
We had our 2nd Yard sale for 2023 which netted over $1200
Angela Priest is our new PC captain for 210 Golden Valley
By Jeff Ryder
District 2
The District 2 Office has re-opened and we will be celebrating with a Grand Re-opening meeting on November 15, 2023.
District 2 is also preparing for the Bullhead City Boom Box Parade on December 1st at 6:00 p.m. We will have Lil’ Red cruising through with signs representing MCRCC and handing out flags and shwag. We hope you can join us!
By Valerie Medina

District 3

What has happened in Distict III
October was a busy month in District III…We completed the new MCRCC Float. We are still looking for sponsors county wide.
We first had the float in the London Bridge Days Parade with over 70 Republicans supporting us from around the county.

Next, we entered it in Fright Night on Halloween. We handed out candy, voting information, and America First information to thousands of children & adults!
We are now preparing for the big election of 2024. We are planning our event calendar, Lincoln Day Dinner, and upgrading our Open House, at the Headquarters, to support all the city, county, state and federal candidates!!!
We need to be prepared for the fight to save America!!!
By Betsy Painton
Committee Reports
Communication Committee

Thanks to Rick Stotts, our monthly issue of The Voice of Freedom was published on schedule as was the initial issue of the new Candidates Newsletter. Remember to search for and click on the link for your free entry into the drawing for the Trump lithograph. You get a free entry in each issue of the newsletter. Our new website at: www.mohavecountygop.com is alive and well. Check it out!
We are hoping to have photos of our new parade float in action in the next issue. Please send us your photos as we haven’t recruited a Staff Photographer in each district as of this writing. We are also seeking one or two reporters in each district.
On a different subject. I hope you are all aware that our federal bureaucratic government is spying on USD citizens in violation of existing statutes and the very Constitution! Releasing “classified” documents that exposed these activities is the basis of thee crimes that Edward Snowden was charged with in 2013. Basically, he publicized to the American people what their government was doing to THEM! Although the Constitution guarantees each citizen the right to privacy unless a judge issues a warrant after the investigating authority shows evidence of “Probable Cause”, three letter agencies are collecting and storing EVERY bit of electronic communications of the entire US Population. Then “crawler programs” search through this metadata looking for subversive words and phrases such as: “Veteran”, “Patriot”, “Patriotic”, “Parental Rights”, etc. etc. etc.
You might say: “Well this doesn’t apply to me; I didn’t do anything wrong”. These Commiecrats don’t care! Once the crawler programs connect a name to the “subversive” or “domestic terrorist” words and phrases, what chance does a single person have against a bureaucrat with the full resources of the Federal Government? Look at what they are doing to Donald Trump and his close associates if you need an example.
So, what can each of us do? We can make it more difficult for them to spy on our personal electronic communications and in doing so, this will increase the time it takes for them to connect our communications to our identity. Let us know if you would like to see a monthly column showing you ways to do just this.
If you would like to see more monthly columns, please let us know communications@mohavecountygop.com
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
By Cliff Monzeglio
School Board Committee

“If there is anything that links the human to the divine, it is the courage to stand by a principal when everybody else rejects it.“
By Abraham Lincoln
Candidate Research Committee
The Candidate Vetting Committee met on October 10th and is almost ready to Rock’n’Roll. We have taken on a new member and will meet again on November 14th. At that time, we will be handing each member a list of his/her candidates to vet, along with 10 general questions to ask each. The questions will be uniform and address stances on major issues. Each member will have leeway to ask then 3 or 4 questions of their own choosing specific to the position the candidate is seeking to be elected to. Due to the plethora of candidates, we could use one more volunteer from either Bullhead or Havasu, as one member has been dropped from the committee.
By Laurence Schiff, M.D

Electioneering Committee

The fantastic float project became a reality, thanks to the support of our generous sponsors and dedicated volunteers. We’re thrilled to share the success story of our hard work, as our float took its rightful place in the parade and many more to come. Special recognition goes to Will Brown for his exceptional welding skills, which played a pivotal role in bringing this project to life.

We also extend our gratitude to Will and Edward Farrington for generously donating an exquisite bell that added a touch of magic to our float.

Butch Meeks and Dan for dedicating long hours getting the parts ready and making sure everything was coming together on time. Anthony Busnardo deserves a heartfelt thank you for engineering the project and providing the essential working drawings. His meticulous design and orchestration were instrumental in the assembly process.

Countless others have contributed to this monumental effort, and it’s been a long, challenging journey. We’re proud to have crafted a product that will endure the test of time. Dinah Lutz has been a vital part of our communication efforts, ensuring our message reaches far and wide. Along with her impeccable organizational skills, played a crucial role in securing sponsorships and overseeing the cushion and paint job aspects. Our initial design drawing, thanks to Chris Addington, set the stage for this incredible project. We’re also deeply appreciative of the anonymous donations and float sponsorships that made this endeavor possible.

Exciting news! Our website is now live. Take a moment to explore it, as it’s a testament to the hard work of the past few months. While great achievements don’t happen overnight, we’re thrilled to see our efforts come to fruition and shift our focus to the exciting projects ahead and continue to grow and improve the Mohave County Republican Central Committee. Stay tuned for more updates!
By Ryan Busnardo
Republicans have built the largest voter registration lead in the state since 2018, we must work hard to extend that lead into 2024.
Newly registered voters are 80% more likely to vote in the upcoming election cycle. Registered voters remain on the voter rolls for years to come, making it easier for GOP to track voters.
• If you have a choice, please register folks to vote on the hard copy registration forms.
• When registering with Service Arizona, the driver’s license signature is all the Recorders have for signature verification. This signature is very small by the time the data reaches the Recorder’s office. Sometimes it makes it very difficult to read, where the hard copy registration forms are much larger and easier for the Recorder’s office to read when validating signatures.
Do not put off a registration just because you don’t have a hard copy registration form. Go ahead and help them register on ServiceArizona.com/Voter Registration, but the hard copy is preferred.
This allows the party a chance to see if you were sent a ballot and allows for us to follow up with voters if they have not voted (we call this ballot chasing).
• To avoid potential chain of custody issues, drop your ballot in person at an early voting center or on election day.
• It is preferred to drop your ballot at an early voting center or vote in person at an early vote center and not mail the ballot.
• If you drop your ballot on election day, it will delay your count.
• If you must use the mail, please mail by dropping at USPS offices and not putting in your home mailbox to be pick up.
• If you use the mail, make certain you follow up that it was indeed received by the election office by going to: my.arizona.vote
Our desire is to reduce the chain of custody concerns by voting in person and voting early. If you must mail your ballot, please check to make certain it was received by the election department. By signing up for an early ballot it gives the Republican Party an opportunity to follow more voters.

Join our team, the Communication Committee is looking for someone to help out with our newsletter. If you are interested, let us know.

Submit An Article
Have something to say, let us know! Write an article or just a blurb that’s been on your mind!

Reporters Wanted
We are looking for three patriot reporters to join our team. The ideal candidates will be able to write clear and concise stories about the happenings of Mohave County and beyond. The patriot reporters will be responsible for researching, gathering, and reporting information on news stories to MCRCC.