June Update

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I am Betsy Painton, District 3 Director. This is my report for May. 

GOP Headquarters: 

We currently have 34 office volunteers holding down the fort on McCulloch. The office is running smoothly. 

Open House: 

We had a very successful OPEN HOUSE in May. Our neighbors within the strip mall are very grateful for our new office hours and traffic as well. 

Board Meetings: 

Our District 3 board is working very hard to get ready for the upcoming 2024 election. We are currently in the process of electing PC Captains. 

PC Captains 

We are getting ready to elect PC Captains. Once we have the captains and our PCs are ready to roll, we will be hitting the streets and knocking on doors. First things, first, we are going to clean up our Republican Voter Roll by going out to see why Republicans are not going to the polls. We are going to try to get a better turnout in 2024. 

PC Captains and teams will also start writing letters to the editor, register more voters, and begin to vet the local candidates for city council and school board. 

We currently have 90 PCs – 10 are inactive and 80 are active. Our goal for PC Captains is to continue to work on getting all 80 more active 

That is a wrap up on our May 2023 Report. 

Thank you. 

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