June News

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The results are in for our Lincoln Day Dinner fundraiser. We were well over budget which definitely allows us to keep the doors open for another year. Our Local Artist Showcase is Saturday June third from 1pm to 4pm at the Little Old Wine Drinkers Winery in North Kingman Valle Vista area. Call the office at 928 279 1711 for details and tickets. Come out and support our local artists! We are forming our voter registration team to GOTV. Our PC Coordinator Robert Mawhinney and our Voter Registration Coordinator Allison Baskin, will be heading that effort. The first meeting will be Tuesday June 6th. Meetings at the precinct level will continue until we have captains in each precinct. We had 5 new PC’s in May and continue to see excellent growth month to month. We had 3 new voter registrations this month. 

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