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2024 general electionnovember 5thearly voting starts october 9th
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FREEDOM IS NOT FREEJoin the thousands of Mohavians fighting every day to keep our county and country free.
Our job is simple – elect Republicans! We work throughout Mohave County to elect Republicans at all levels of government from City Council to Congress. We win elections by registering Republican voters, supporting Republican candidates and by getting out the vote.
Republicans have built the largest voter registration lead in the state since 2018, we must work hard to extend that lead into 2024.
Newly registered voters are 80% more likely to vote in the upcoming election cycle. Registered voters remain on the voter rolls for years to come, making it easier for GOP to track voters.
- If you have a choice, please register folks to vote on the hard copy registration forms.
- When registering with Service Arizona, the driver’s license signature is all the Recorders have for signature verification. This signature is very small by the time the data reaches the Recorder’s office. Sometimes it makes it very difficult to read, where the hard copy registration forms are much larger and easier for the Recorder’s office to read when validating signatures.
- Do not put off a registration just because you don’t have a hard copy registration form. Go ahead and help them register on, but the hard copy is preferred.
Our desire is to reduce the chain of custody concerns by voting in person and voting early. If you must mail your ballot, please check to make certain it was received by the election department. By signing up for an early ballot it gives the Republican Party an opportunity to follow more voters.)

Volunteers Needed
Join the team at the Mohave Republican Party! Whether you want to volunteer or just learn more about our Party and how to get involved, there is a place for all Mohavians with MCRCC. Sign up now and someone from our team will reach out as soon as possible.

Become a Precinct Committeeperson
A precinct committeeman is a member of the Republican Party who is a registered voter and resides in a precinct of Mohave County, and assists the MCRCC with various activities such as voter registration, monthly meetings, events, help with candidates, election activities, fundraisers, etc. There is something for everyone!

Register to Vote
Voting is a very important part of any democracy. By voting, citizens are participating in the democratic process. Citizens vote for leaders to represent them and their ideas, and the leaders support the citizens’ interests. Join us today as we work to elect Republicans at all levels of government in Mohave County.

Join us today as we work to elect Republicans at all levels of government in Mohave County.