Steve Robinson

My family has lived in Golden Valley for nearly four decades, I’ve been coming to Mohave County since 1992 and have lived here 15 years. This IS my home.  I am a tax accountant, having worked for over three decades. Further, I have extensive knowledge of the County’s finances and operations. I’ve exposed excessive spending, mismanagement of operations for over 12 years. In the past I have been targeted by several County officials for many personal attacks. I was elected to the Golden Valley FD board in 2012, where I served one term.

I worked for the Trump Campaign in 2020, while managing the District 1 office, which was the most successful office in County Party history. My fantastic team of volunteers were inspired to make the most phone calls, knock on most doors, and register the most voters in Western Arizona, and most of Northern Arizona. I will work on improving the County’s financial budgeting and reporting, fixing up more roads, and most important: Fighting Crime!  Getting 30-40 more deputies is my highest priority!

FREEDOM IS NOT FREEJoin the thousands of Mohavians fighting every day to keep our county and country free.