My name is Shawn Meisner, and I am a constitutional conservative, Republican, Navy veteran, and local ranch owner who is running for Mohave County Board of Supervisors District 1. I never planned on becoming involved in politics. I am not running because I want to, but because I must. We are in the most critical political environment in our history and leadership begins here and now. As your next supervisor, I will lead by example and make a positive impact on our community. I moved to Mohave County because it is the most conservative county in the state, and I don’t want that to change. Through research and interviews I have discovered the truth behind the issues here. With your support I can reboot our community and instill pride and dedication in our citizens. I am here to step-up and be your voice. Thank you for your support and God bless Mohave County and the U.S.A.

FREEDOM IS NOT FREEJoin the thousands of Mohavians fighting every day to keep our county and country free.