Kimberly Zanon, a devoted Christian, wife, mother, community leader, and proud Republican candidate.

As a proud Republican candidate, I am honored to present myself as a dedicated leader ready to serve our community. With a deep-rooted belief in the principles of limited government, individual liberty, and fiscal responsibility, I am committed to representing the values and aspirations of the Republican Party.

Born and raised in California, I have witnessed firsthand the challenges and opportunities that our community faces. I am blessed with a loving spouse, David Ceniceros, and 4 wonderful children, two of my own and two stepchildren, and 3 beautiful grandchildren. My relationship with God, husband, and children, give me the inspiration to go out there every day to make our community a better place for all families. As a previous representative for Mohave County CASA and based on my personal sense of purpose and responsibility, I regularly participate in community events, speaking at the Rotary club, Kiwanis club, City Council meetings, and I have even gone all the way to the House of Representatives trying to get more resources for Mohave County. I will continue to do this work in any capacity, because our families and our children need us!

Community service and advocacy is not only what I do but is part of who I am. I truly believe each of us has the responsibility to help those who are unable to care for themselves. This not only helps a particular individual, but it also helps the community and society in tremendously positive ways.

As a Republican candidate, I am dedicated to serving our community with integrity, transparency, and a strong commitment to conservative principles. I humbly ask for your support and the opportunity to represent you, working tirelessly to make our community, State and Nation, an even better place to live, work, and raise a family. Together, let’s build a brighter future for all.

FREEDOM IS NOT FREEJoin the thousands of Mohavians fighting every day to keep our county and country free.